Our Team of Security Professionals successfully performed for major corporations to include, but not limited to, NASA, Sony, Exxon/Mobil, TropWorld Casino, Saint Barnabas Health Care System, Newman Health Services, Foxwoods Resort Casino, Microsoft, Novartis, Adventis, Johnson & Johnson, Panasonic U.S.A., Roadway Package Systems, Verizon, AT&T, Allen & Company, Vonage Holdings Co., BIO-Technology General Corporation, Wrigley, United States Postal Service and Hilton Hotels.
Recent Work
- Our Team of Security Professionals with over 25 years of experience provided the Government of Kuwait with technical surveillance equipment and training for their Ministry of Interior. EGSL currently works with a number of foreign governments seeking similar programs for their law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
- Our Team Partners have assisted the governments of Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Australia, Chile, Indonesia, Mexico, Canada, Togo, Venezuela and Yugoslavia with counternarcotics, counterterrorism, VIP protection and other countermeasures, as well as intelligence operations support, equipment and training.
- Assisted a South American government with the arrest and conviction of a ten-year fugitive involved in hundreds of acts of terrorism and over a thousand murders.
- Helped an African President locate an illegally run propaganda radio station, which hitherto had disrupted his administration’s ability to effectively carry out his oath of office.